An independent, professional party like Tax Debt Management advocating for you, means the ATO will be more sympathetic, in our experience. We will give the Australian Taxation Office confidence that your current tax arrears can be resolved and that future tax payments will be made.

If you have tax arrears but no accountant that can help and you do not wish to use our tax debt services, then yes, you should talk directly with the ATO a.s.a.p. But don’t expect consideration or to talk your way out of your tax problems. Issues surrounding tax arrears are notoriously complicated and the Australian Taxation Office cannot be trifled with.

Negotiating on your own behalf may not be the best approach and is likely to deliver a less than desirable outcome for you or your business. You will need to talk about specific tax points, give thorough financial details, and come up with a payment schedule that is acceptable to the ATO but realistic for you. You don’t want to realise later that you are worse off after your negotiations.

Your accountant will want the best for you but many are short of time, or don’t have the know-how or the means to negotiate with the ATO on your behalf. But if you think your accountant can help, then talk to them first. They may well recommend you take advantage of a specialist Tax Debt Negotiator like Tax Debt Management.

Tax Debt Management offers a no-surprises, fixed fee to resolve your tax debt. Once we have assessed the complexities of your predicament we’ll have a better idea of the costs; this is why we offer a free initial consultation. Your tax situation is likely to be unique and it’s important that you only pay for the services we need to provide; after all we’re trying to solve your financial worries. Tax Debt Management will not charge you any fees that you have not agreed to up front.

We deal with all our clients ethically and professionally – without exception.

We typically negotiate a realistic tax resolution to deal with even the most challenging tax debts swiftly. But unless we find a substantial inaccuracy in the Australian Taxation Office assessment we won’t be able to make your tax bill disappear overnight. What’s important is that the stress on you and any compounding tax arrears are addressed as quickly as possible by starting negotiations with the ATO immediately!

Pay off an agreed amountover time in manageable instalments

Write off some of your debt

Request remission of GIC and penalties

Obtain finance to pay out tax arrears.

Other solutions appropriate to your financial situation

Yes. We can always help you with your tax problems whatever you do. Tax Debt Management help most businesses with tax arrears, irrespective of size or turnover, complexity of the tax debt, disarray of business records, or the location of your business within Australia.

Yes we do. It’s important to restore your relationship with ATO as soon as possible so give us a call immediately.